Dreadilocks Altstadt Mythology firefly



Erik Schjeide

Erik Schjeide

My praxis as a designer / craftsman has moved through different media. I’ve worked primarily in wood, but also with clay, leather and other tactile media, as well as photography, computer graphics, animation, audio, video and film. I’m employing all of these skills in my current projects designing and building sets and creating stop motion animation. I utilize both analog and digital realms with hands-on engagement in the creative method in addition to using software to capture content and edit. The process stimulates ideas, and I intend to continue to develop narratives in this format.


Erik with Sam and Echo

The content of my work is primarily driven by visual design elements aligned with social / cultural / psychological commentary. I’m drawn to mythical, and in particular trickster narratives to these means. My stories are intended to be thought provoking and interpreted as metaphor, as well as visually pleasing and entertaining. With Altstadt Mythos I’m creating contemporary tales that have touches of humor and satire. In this way I aim to present classic themes in a new light and connect with present-day audiences. The short films How Spider Brought Electric Lights to the City and How Dreadilocks Brought Phones to the City are targeted for those who enjoy animated film and appreciate this type of subject matter.


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All content on this web site created by Erik Schjeide copyright ©2007. All rights reserved.