There are many websites with links to Old Norse texts. Used with discretion, various sites provide sources of valuable information. Some include translations that are quite old and therefore out of copyright. Here are a few:
Viking Society Web Publications
Icelandic Saga Database
.septentrionalia. the medieval north
New Northvegr Center
Old Norse Texts Online
Primary source transcriptions in Old Norse:
Snorri Sturluson. Edda. Prologue and Gylfaginning. Edited by Anthony Faulkes.
--- Edda. Skáldskaparmál 1. Introduction, Text and Notes. Edited by Anthony Faulkes.
--- Edda. Skáldskaparmál 2. Glossary ad Index of Names. Edited by Anthony Faulkes.
--- Edda. Háttatal. Edited by Anthony Faulkes.
Primary source texts translated into English:
Snorri Sturluson. Heimskringla 1. Translated by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes.